Friday, June 18, 2010

A match made in Indianapolis

Three days after the first-ever Early Intervention and Prevention (EIP) Provider Fair, the dust has settled and the (preliminary) evaluation results are in. To MCCOY staff members' great delight, our first effort to facilitate "speed-dating" for local youth-serving agencies was a success.

What exactly do we mean by "speed-dating" for service providers? Well, we looked at how conferences and other gatherings of social services professionals usually work, with folks roaming from table to table picking up brochures but rarely interacting more deeply, and we saw a great opportunity to improve on this. By creating a process in which each attendee spends five minutes at each exhibiting agency's table, hearing a short presentation and asking questions about its services, we hoped to make participation in our event more intentional and supportive of new partnerships. We believe (and research suggests) that increasing collaboration among providers will result in children, families and the community being served more effectively and efficiently.

And it looks like our gamble is paying off! Out of approximately 50 EIP Provider Fair attendees who completed evaluation forms at the event:
  • 98 percent agreed or strongly agreed that they had met with early intervention and prevention service providers of which they were not previously aware
  • 96 percent agreed or strongly agreed that they knew how to collaborate with organizations they had met that day
  • 98 percent agreed or strongly agreed that they would follow up with at least one organization they had met that day to explore new opportunities to partner and collaborate

These numbers are amazing, far beyond our highest hopes. We will do everything we can to capitalize on this momentum and continue fostering new collaborations among both old and new friends in the social services and youth development fields. Our children and families need us all to work together to build a foundation for their success.

Visit our website for more information about the Early Intervention and Prevention initiative or fill out an implementation contact form to find out how you can get involved!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


300 individuals representing more than 100 organizations that serve youths and families will come together on June 15, 2010, to learn more about community-based early intervention and prevention services that are available in Marion County. Through an interactive “speed-dating” process, attendees will learn about 30 lesser-known organizations that offer programs and services that address many issues that negatively impact children and families. The following agencies will be exhibiting:

About Special Kids
Best Buddies Indiana
Children's Bureau
Connections, Inc.
Day Nursery Association
Ella, Inc.
EmberWood Center
Exodus Refugee Immigration
Families Reaching for Rainbows, Inc.
Family Development Services-Head Start
Indianapolis Healthy Start
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department
Midtown Community Mental Health Center
Outreach, Inc.
Password Community Mentoring
Planned Parenthood of Indiana
Reach For Youth, Inc.
Riley Hospital for Children
Safe Families for Children
St. Mary's Child Center
St. Vincent Hospital
Stopover, Inc.
The Villages

By spending just a short amount of time at each exhibit table, attendees will learn key information that will allow them to better coordinate services and pursue partnerships. The event (including lunch, refreshments and activities) will be offered at no charge to make sure it is accessible to all nonprofits.

Additionally, during a lunch-time session, MCCOY will unveil the strategic plan for the Early Intervention and Prevention (EIP) Initiative. The EIP Initiative will improve coordination of community-based services for children and families to improve physical and mental health outcomes, promote education and self-sufficiency, and reduce the need for child welfare and juvenile justice interventions.

The keynote speakers for the Provider Fair are Debra Medeiros and Ann Marie Grimberg from The Strengthening At-Risk and Homeless Young Mothers and Children Initiative. The Initiative aims to improve the housing, health, and development of homeless and at-risk young families while underscoring the need for comprehensive, community based systems to make real and lasting systemic change. The Initiative targets at-risk and homeless mothers 18-25 years old who have at least one child 5 years or younger. The goals of the initiative are to improve the housing, health, and development of homeless and at-risk young families.

Please join us for this first annual event. REGISTRATION ENDS JUNE 7th so please register now at You can learn more about the event by visiting the MCCOY website at or click on the following link: