Monday, November 14, 2011

What We Didnt Know!!

I am the middle child of five amazing siblings. I have two older sister and a younger brother and sister. We were raised by two great partents, our father a Pastor and our mother a Social Worker. They raised us to be very respectful, kind and curtious to all people even at times when we didnt recieve the same respect back. And my older sister knew this all to well. By the age of 16 she was pregnant with her first child. I was 14 at the time and was very upset at the news. I told my sister I hated her and asked her so many questions as to why she would make the stupid decision of having a baby at such a young age. "How could you ruin our family and go against all of the values our parents taught us." I asked. She never replied to me, she spent many days in her room, and around the house and I would walk past saying nothing to her. She went to school being ridiculed and talked about for being the young pregnant girl, who's father is a pastor. She was talked about for being shy, quiet and with drawn and ultimately, once having the baby she was hospitalized for trying to commit suicide..... In my mind I just didn't understand her. But after years of family counseling it was all made clear. WHAT WE DIDNT KNOW..... she had been raped by a man in the church... and molested by her uncle. And every week she faced the two of these men at a service or at a family function. Seeing them constantly reminded her of what happened to her along with them saying to her, " If you ever tell, Ill kill you". My heart hurt so bad after finding this out. Our family in shock, my sister weaping alligator tears what where we to do??????? So ultimately I ask you, love on people who are not like you, forgive those who make mistakes, pray for the ones who are different from you, and embrace all people. You could make a difference in someones life just lending an open ear.... and remember there is always something about them that you dont know... What We Didnt Know

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