Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse

FACT: If child sexual abuse left physical scars instead of emotional ones, people would be horrified. Sexual abuse can negatively impact every part of a victim’s life. The real tragedy is that it robs children of their potential, setting into motion a chain of events and decisions that follow the victim throughout his or her life.
FACT: Emotional and mental health problems are often the first consequence and sign of child sexual abuse. However, it should be noted that some victims do not display emotional problems or any other immediate symptom in response to the abuse.
FACT: Sexual behavior problems and over-sexualized behavior are a very common consequence of child sexual abuse. These are signs of abuse that are not always included on "what to look for" lists, probably because many find it unpleasant to think about. However, age-inappropriate behavior can be a very important and telling sign that abuse is or has occurred.
FACT: Academic problems in childhood are common in children who are sexually abused. Victims perform at lower levels than their non-abused counterparts.
FACT: Substance abuse problems beginning in childhood or adolescence are one of the most common consequences of child sexual abuse.
FACT: Delinquency and crime, often resulting from substance abuse, is more prevalent in adolescents with a history of child sexual abuse.FACT: The risk of teen pregnancy is much higher for girls with a history of child sexual abuse. This is likely due to over-sexualized behavior, a common consequence of child sexual abuse.

If you are interested in attending a Stewards of Children training to learn how you can prevent the children in your life from becoming sexually abused please visit the MCCOY website to register for a training:

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