Monday, August 26, 2013

Inner-City Achievement: Utilizing After-School Programs

 Written by: Sara Smith (Americorps VISTA)

Children spend most of their time during the weekday at school but what is there to do outside of school? Many youth go home after-school with nothing to do and potentially find unproductive ways to fill their time. The youth may not know what their options are, and on the other hand, parents and teachers at times struggle to get their children or students involved in extracurricular activities because of lack of information or availability of resources.

As stated in my past blog “They [after-school programs] are a valuable part of giving the children an option to be more than their situation, to excel, to become someone.” People of all kinds, learn, discover, and grow through life’s experiences; after school programs are away to ensure a safe, friendly environment for our youth while doing so. Youth can discover their strengths and weaknesses through the various active engagement and social activities the extra-curricular programs can offer.

Although, we may not know where every single opportunity is, there are always options of getting your youth involved in the areas in which they live in!

I would like to point out two important tools that can be utilized to find affordable, fun, and quality programs or activities for youth during the school year and the summer months; the MCCOY 2013 Youth Activity Directory (YAD) and the 2013 Indy Park’s Fall Fun Guide!
The two resources of information for youth activities include, but are not limited to, the following kinds of programs:
Performing Arts
College Prep
Social Activities
Homework & Tutoring
Arts & Crafts
Health & Fitness
Seasonal Activities
…and much, MUCH, more!

For more information on the MCCOY Youth Activity Directory please click here.

If you are a part of a youth serving organization and would like to include your activities for youth in future YAD’s please contact MCCOY at

To view Indy Park’s Fall Fun Guide please click here.

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