Monday, March 10, 2014

Stewards of Children

We are off to a great start for 2014 with setting up Stewards of Children trainings throughout the community. So far we have 29 trainings set up for the year and have already trained 108 people!
Some of the feedback we’ve received from the participants includes:

“Great job discussing this important topic. This program is vital and needs to be widespread." –Parent

“I enjoyed hearing the success achieved in the survivors’ stories. The message of hope from them is inspiring & motivational. They were very brave to open and share.” –I.U.P.U.I. student

“This was very informative and so clarifying. It helped me feel empowered to DO something about it.”  –School Guidance Counselor

Please contact Heather Wildrick-Holman at to schedule a FREE Stewards of Children training at your work, place of worship, children’s school, or for any group of adults on one of the remaining 2014 dates, or contact Heather to schedule on an alternative date. 

Remaining open dates:
May 7th, July 15th, August 16th, August 26th, September 4th, September 13th, September 23rd, October 8th 

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