The first workshop in Laurelwood served about 60 children and their 43 parents while the second workshop in Blackburn Terrace served 50 children and their 30 parents. Each of the children in attendance received a school uniform polo shirt and every participant received a free dinner sponsored by Papa John’s Pizza. The parents who signed the release of attendance data consent form for their children are registered to participate in this pilot program for the entire year; they will be contacted monthly by MCCOY and IHA representatives via newsletters, surveys, workshops, and interventions. MCCOY will also collect children’s school attendance weekly, in an effort to provide support as soon as problems arise. Residents who signed up for this year-long program will also be entered into raffles for school supplies and other school-related prizes throughout the year, rewarding students who exhibit improved or excellent attendance.
MCCOY would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of our sponsors and volunteers for making the Attend To Your Future workshops possible:
- Papa John’s
- Vernon J. Petri & Associates
- Wal Mart
- M&I BankPeyback Foundation
This was a really fun night! I think that the parents who participated really enjoyed themselves and learned a lot.