Wednesday, July 13, 2011

True Benefits of a Summer Internship

In college, sometimes students may wonder do internships really matter and if so what do they do for them? When I started my internship for MCCOY, I had no idea what I about to come into but was very excited! When coming up with what to write about, I just wanted fellow college students and even those in high school to know there are many joys in having an internship that you love and can learn from.

Having an internship can really help you put your abilities to a good use. By doing this, so many opportunities are presents your way while helping you to refine the skills you already have. For myself, I was asked to create a social media plan for MCCOY. Sure this may have sounded easy but it definitely was not. There are so many details involved! It turned out that a project I thought would take only a couple of days, took weeks! Doing this really helped me demonstrate my talents to future employers, and my skills in seeing projects through from start to finish.

Another benefit of an internship is the confident you have definitely improve. In the process of looking for jobs, you will realize how much your resume rocks! You will not be concerned about finding a great position in the field you want at all. This truly helps you have the confidence of someone who's been in your particular field for several years, knowing that you have the names, references and organizations to back you up on.

Most importantly, the best thing you can take with you is the knowledge you gain that you probably will not getting anywhere else. Being that MCCOY is a non-profit organization, I was able to find out some many new and exciting things that further allowed me to make a decision in the career path I want to go down after graduation next May. The skills you learn are absolutely priceless and aren’t going to be taught in the classroom most times which truly benefits you in your search for employment.

Internships have come and gone but none like this one! I am so fortunate to have found an internship that suites me perfectly. Now it’s your turn! Being a part of MCCOY really helped me figure out what I wanted to pursue. So if you haven’t gotten anything from me, just remember this: search for the internship that will help you narrow your focus and figure out where you strive and what your passion is. You will never have as good of an opportunity to get experience while traveling as you will when you’re in college, and when you graduate you will feel extremely prepared because of that!

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